
shows mobile and desktop version of

Conservation Club has multiple captivating visual features, accessible information about local conservation, and can be adapted to fit both tablets and smartphones.

Project Details

Gray Day Weather

Gray Day utilizes two weather APIs and uses axios to retrieve the data. My highlighted feature is a function responsible for changing the CSS styling of the background color based on current weather conditions and time of day.

Project Details
Gray Day Weather is a weather application build using vanilla Javascript
Dictionary.Goose is an application built using React.js


Dictionary.Goose is an application built with react.js! Multiple APIs are utilized using axios, and Bootstrap provided some key accessibility features!

Project Details

Feelin' Groovy Weather

Feelin' Groovy provides current and forecasted weather for over 200,000 cities worldwide, and provides local time based on UTC and a timezone adjustment.

Project Details
Groovy Weather was built using React.js
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